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The best Italian costoletta alla Milanese, a fast and easy-to-make recipe. How to make the perfect breading to coat your meat? By following a few simple steps, you will learn how to prepare a veal chop Milanese served with a confit tomato emulsion

Michelin starred chef Giancarlo Perbellini offers his version of costoletta (veal chop) Milanese, one of the most well-known Italian dishes. Ingredients and the best tips to serve a golden and crispy breadcrumb coated veal chop with a side of confit tomato and egg emulsion.  Firstly, make sure to clean veal chop and bone removing the fat to prepare it to be coated. Once the veal chop has been cleaned dip it in the flour and then in egg and salt and finish in the breadcrumbs made from grissini (breadstick), repeat this process twice. Put the veal chop in a pan with clarified butter and cook it slowly.   For the tomato egg emulsion, boil an egg for 7 minutes. Remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes and dust them with some caster sugar, a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Place the tomatoes in an oven which has been preheated to 180°C. Cook for 15 minutes. Peel the egg and using a stick blender, emulsify this with the oven-baked tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil

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