YouTube VS The World ... 
Video Space on SERP

02.11.2020 Mattia De Nadai
Videoseo seo videoserp Snippet Videosnippet youtube
Is Video SEO Equal to Youtube SEO?

During a competition, a debate, a trial, the judge must be impartial, not emotionally involved. If you compete with someone, both parts aim to have a real and fair referee to apply the roles of game and ensure pure meritocracy.

But, particularly in the Digital and Advertising arena, that’s not always possible.

The Big G, which owns huge part of digital ecosystem pie, plays many parts in the game. But the lion must in any case undergo antitrust policy and regulations… at least in theory.

Millions of words have been spent from marketers around the globe to describe Google’s impartiality and lack of conflict of interests during their daily application along the advertising ecosystem. Anyway, it’s not the theme of this article to state a ultimate conclusion to that.

Today I want to talk about opportunities.

Based on many researches done by digital players and sector experts it seems that Google algorithm has more probability to expose YouTube videos on Video Rich Snippet on SERP than any other video platform.

Video Rich Snippet


That’s a fact. At least before Luxyfer came into play. took a test and landed on the following result:


Top Video sites on Google

Huge part of the contents displayed come from YouTube, also due to the fact that probably Google is not so willing to offer other “walled garden” results which, by the way, sometimes asks users to login to enjoy the video, are scarcely optimized and contain paid video ads playing before the real content.

This opens up a huge opportunity that sees Luxyfer and its clients rally for the podium of SERP.

Thanks to our super booster of video attributes, Google struggles to decide which is the most fitting content that the user is looking for.

“Is there something better that mine (YouTube's)”? Often the answer is yes!

Our algorithm enriches video background with hundreds of data, attributes and information that Google must impartially evaluate.

Thanks to that, very often our clients video contents get the video rich snippet position, providing a powerful exposure on the most important product showcase of the world. 

We’re not talking about push paid media, where who pays the most reaches the peak.  
Luxyfer only works on pull strategy and concrete information that Google recognizes and prizes. 

It’s important to remember that it’s not an “aut-aut”, a choice brands have to make based on exclusion (or this or that). You can upload your videos on your YouTube channels, but also leverage our Luxyfer platform to boost your organic contents growth:


  1. I have a teaser video already uploaded into my YouTube channel.
  2. I ask Luxyfer to upload the same video into Luxyfer platform (with customizable landing page, description, call-to-action, all strongly optimized for SEO) and its algorithm boosts attributes and characteristics that search engines recognize and prize.
  3. I upload/embed the Luxyfer-optimized video into my website so to increase the whole website climbing on the organic results.

The more Luxyfer platform grows, the more I will get first position on results which are displayed to users who are now searching for your product (or your competitors !!!)… 

Time is money. You have few fractions of a second to show your brand to a user who’s craving to find your product. And with Luxyfer your video becomes faster that anyone’s else, ready to engage and convince your potential customer that you will give them what they dream of.